Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Kid's Game, with Implications

Applicable to almost everything in this life, the best way to handle your approach is to expect the worst, yet still hope for the best. It is this double-edged sword version of how to handle events in your everyday lives that has proven to be the most efficient way to get an acceptable outcome to whatever endeavor you wish to undertake. Surprisingly though, it's also the most boring way of doing things.

Back in the last year of my elementary school career, I can still vividly remember me facing a small confusion of interpretations for a single adjective - ambitious. Before I got to that point, I had always thought that ambition was something we all should have. Similar to goal-setting and forward thinking, being this kind of person allowed us to gauge whatever we wanted to do and have a meter for how much we still needed. To me, in my innocent sixth grade train-of-thought, ambition was something that's acceptable to have, maybe even a need-to-have characteristic.

What happened then though was that our religion teacher gave us a group of adjectives that were considered negative, and we had to cross out the ones we didn't want to have. Guess what? The word 'ambitious' was on that cloud of words, and my memory still has that moment of silence and question clearly imprinted as if it happened yesterday. It didn't lead me to start an outrage with my teacher though, but the flood of realizations more than made up for that.

It was here that I started to look into the eyes of duality - that to everything negative, there is always a different point-of-view that would allow us to look into the positive side of things. Similar to that simple questionnaire, it was a simple way of looking at the adjective in the view of the ones who viewed ambition as the cause of selfish endeavor and treachery, or the one where I originally had it - ambition was an inspiration that could be a great factor of getting you to where you want.

Of course, we are taking into account the capability of everyone to have enough respect to recognize the viewpoints of everyone else. While it is a given that the difference between trust and respect is that trust is earned while respect should be given freely without any strings, a lot of people still refuse to open their ears and look into the other side of the glass - they're trapped in looking at a mirror and can't see past that. Instead, all they can see is themselves, and sadly, that won't really get you far in any race. Not even a race where all you're competing against is yourself.

P.S. I've just posted the first article on a new blog site of mine. You can check out Redial Here, and hopefully you'd be following that blog soon when it gains momentum. As of posting though, the server is down, yet if it still is by the time you're reading this, please check back again for your first view of that site. Thanks!

forever is a many-splendored thing.

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