Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Metaphysical Gravity

Science was never the type to delve into things outside the realm of the five basic human senses. Except for a part of The Lost Symbol where Noetic Science was tackled to a point, science never gives any mind to matters of the soul, matters of thought, and matters of the heart. So why then can those two words written in the title bar of this post coexist, yet alone be put side by side and still contain some meaning? I won't say there's a clear-cut answer to that - however, it never hurts to try.

I do not claim to know anything about Noetic Science - the best part I know about it is when I tried opening it's Wikipedia page, and after reading the first few lines I accidentally pushed the Ctrl button while I was pressing the 'W' key (fyi, that accident was done on purpose). So there, don't expect me to blab about things too geeky to be cool and too nerdy to be anything academic. The reason why I am trying to fuse a philosophical adjective to a scientific subject matter would be simple - as you might have known me, I always love the duality of things.

Doesn't it always occur to you that somehow, the better things in life are never given? And when you choose to lay back and let everything else do whatever it wants, there's a fifty-fifty chance of getting a positive or a negative outcome? I'm not saying that you should get a job that you'd have a hard time at in order for you to get what you want - even that aspect is two-sided, because the best jobs are those you will enjoy doing while not minding whatever stress it may give you.

Now let's delve into the gravitational aspect of things. While it is a fact that here on earth, gravity brings us together. And while being together with someone, especially someone special to you, might take you places where only birds could fly to, we can never deny the fact that gravity is also the main reason why people get tired after walking up a long staircase. You see, gravity has this way of pulling us down simply because the earth, with it's huge mass, attracts us to it, and not because on a horizontal scale we are falling into the depths of nothingness.

How about the metaphysical aspect of things? Would you believe that there is a connection between that supposed attraction of physical mass and the mere thoughts of people and how they perceive things? I wish I knew the real answers to those questions, because it seems all we have will be just speculations. Perhaps in death, we'd get a free pass to have knowledge on every little thing that life is. Or perhaps in death, we'd get nothing, nothing at all. Yet, by having this knowledge, it will hopefully allow us not to be depressed at how things in this life go, but rather give us an appreciation that indeed, there is more to life than the realm of our five senses.

It's always been great to have some advantages at your disposal - having the freedom to do whatever you want with it will never get boring. However, as I realized today, there are some things that seem to be out-of-place, some constant itchy feeling that something is missing. Chances are big that indeed, I miss someone. We never know though - this might just be an adolescent kid speaking.

holding back is never an option.

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